
UMA is the voice of the manufacturing industry within the walls of the Utah State Capitol. Not only during the legislative session representatives UMA works throughout the year attending interim sessions, sitting on various boards, presenting on the state of manufacturing, and testifying. UMA advocates for a manufacturing business-friendly environment to Utah’s Legislature and Congress.


Energy supply and distribution

Workforce development and education

Water availability and drought resiliency

Incentives for assuring appropriate state growth

Participation in associations / NGO's / advocacy groups

Voice of industry in upcoming 2025 legislative session

UMA works to connect with impacted members on specific legislation, hold meetings on specific topics like air quality, energy, workforce, and water to name a few with larger groups. We then take this input and work with lawmakers to develop positive outcomes for manufacturing.

Legislative 101

UMA plans and works with legislators, stakeholders, and regulators to present paths and plans to our members. We hold pre-session meetings with members to discuss upcoming legislation and essentially what we are hearing on themes and ideas being presented by the legislature. Pre-session presentations are held with members to hear directly from legislators, regulators, and stakeholders regarding the bills and concepts they are looking to implement.

Submit an Issue

If there is a policy issue that you are concerned about, please let us know and someone will be in contact with you.
Fill Out the Form

UMA Foundation

Our nonprofit 501(c)(3) Foundation underscores our commitment to workforce development, education, and community outreach. Through the foundation, we have successfully implemented numerous programs that enhance skills, promote diversity, and foster inclusion within the manufacturing workforce. This focus aligns with our mission to drive sustainable, positive change and effectively leverage grant funds for maximum impact.

National Organizations

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) provides us with a powerful platform for national advocacy. As part of the largest manufacturing association in the United States, we are at the forefront of policy discussions and industry trends. This national representation amplifies our ability to advocate for the interests of our members and influence positive change on a broader scale. President, Todd Bingham, was recently the Chairman of the Council of State Manufacturing Associations (COSMA) and served on the NAM board of directors.

The Utah Manufacturing Extension Partnerships (Utah-MEP) is the premier provider of manufacturing improvement services in Utah. We implement proven solutions that produce measurable results. Our all-star team of coaches, practitioners, and industry experts have one purpose: Help Utah Manufacturers Grow and Thrive. UMA works closely with the alliance to bring a positive impact to Utah manufacturers.