uMA webinars

What Utah Makes, Makes Utah

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The UMA Webinar Series provides manufacturers up to date information on a variety of interest topics that affect the manufacturing industry in Utah.

The Six Steps to Better Hiring with Steven Smith from Applicant Pro

Watch our recorded four-part webinar series with Steven Smith at Applicant Pro on the 6 Steps of Better Hiring. He takes a unique approach to hiring, with creative marketing, to help find the perfect candidates for your business. We recommend watching the videos in chronological order. Steven has worked with 1000s of companies in a myriad of industries to improve their hiring processes, making things more efficient without spending a lot of money.

Utah manufacturing Summit 2021 - Virtual conference

Learn the best practices in continuous improvement, sales and marketing, and developing high-performing teams from industry experts. Learn how you can grow your business and increase profits! With keynote speaker Martin Frey, the world record holder for climbing the seven peaks and sailing the seven seas! Along with BIG companies like GRIP 6 talking about leveraging online marketing to grow your business rapidly, Liberty Safe discussing how lean six sigma projects can increase sales and customer demand, and Casper’s Ice Cream teaching you how to build a team of leaders from the frontlines.

Economic Outlook for Utah's Manufacturers - Q1 2001 Report

You are invited to a Zoom webinar!  Join us for an update on changes to Utah’s business climate, including legislation, growth numbers, and other factors that will affect how you do business in 2021.

1.22.21 - 2021 Market Outlook For Utah Manufacturers

COVID19 has caused fundamentals changes to the U.S. economy and to Utah’s manufacturing industry.  Dr. Tulinda Larsen, Todd Bingham, and other leaders from the Utah manufacturing community will discuss the economic factors directly impacting manufacturing over the next five years, what to expect in here in Utah, and action we can take to accelerate our success.  Join us to ask questions and participate in the discussion.

8.4.20 - 5 Ways to Protect Your Workforce in the COVID-19 Era

In this webinar, Doctor Mark Roberts, Attorney Chuck Palmer and Certified Industrial Hygienist Dave Roskelly discuss workforce and manufacturing facility safety challenges in developing an environment that is sustainable and restores productivity, including the science of COVID-19, employer policies, employee screening, training, facility layout, workplace sanitation, regulatory compliance, and crisis management.

Key points include:

* Understanding the science to design a control plan

*Best Employee Practices, Employer Protection, Training

*Facility and Equipment Sanitation, Preventive Controls

*Regulatory Requirements

*Crisis Management and Legal Ramifications

6.12.20 - What Utah Manufacturers need to know to manage covid-19

The University of Utah School of Medicine’s Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health created an important Covid-related presentation for Utah’s manufacturing companies.  Racheal M. Jones, PhD, CIH, an industrial hygienist and exposure scientist, authored the presentation in conjunction with the Utah Industry Resource Alliance and its members, including the Utah Manufacturers Association.

Key points include:

* What to do when an employee tests positive

*Best practices relating to employees falling into Covid-related high risk categories

*What symptoms to educate your employees about

*Current lengths of times the virus lives on surfaces

*Preventing the spread of Covid-19 at your facilities

*Employee screening methods

*Social distancing examples in manufacturing facilities

*Cleaning protocoal recommendations

*Utah liability law updates relating to Covid-19


On April 7, U.S. Senator Mike Lee talked to UMA Members and friends about the recently passed CARES Act. U.S. Senator Mike Lee and his team answered questions about his legislation and other actions from Washington that could impact your business.


3.25.20 - Managing your supply chain in uncertain times

Discussion on how Utah manufactures can stabilize their supply chain and work their way through the COVID-19 crisis.  Casey Adams (President) and Brian Bowers (COO) from VisibleSCM discussed best practices for managing inbound supply chain, inventory, outbound logistics, and communication with your customers, vendors, and employees.