What Utah Makes, Makes Utah
The goal is to answer commonly asked questions to our audience quickly. Also, this will help build our search engine optimization!
Need Further Assistance?
(801) 363-3885
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Q: What types of memberships does UMA offer?
A: We offer two different types of memberships for our manufacturing members, Member and Member +.
A: We also offer a service provider membership.
Q: How is membership pricing determined?
A: Pricing is determined by full-time employee (FTE) count.
Q: How do I renew my membership?
A: There are several ways to renew your membership, please contact your account representative. Auto renewals through the website are no longer available. Additional questions? Contact our Business Development Team at 801-363-3885
Q: How do I become an investor?
A: There are many great customizable investor options, please reach out to contact us.
Q: Can I still become a member if our headquarters are located outside of Utah?
A: Yes. As long as FTE employees in the State of Utah.
Q: Can non-manufacturers become UMA members?
A: Yes. We offer membership options to non-manufacturing companies.
Q: What sponsorship opportunities are available with UMA?
A: There are many opportunities available for sponsoring events, as well as customizable options. Please contact our Business Development Team to discuss.
Q: What sponsorship opportunities are available with UMA?
A: There are many opportunities available for sponsoring events, as well as customizable options. Please contact our Business Development Team to discuss.
Q: How can I find out about upcoming events?
A: Currently UMA hosts five major events annually. Additionally, there are multiple small group events and training opportunities.
Q: How can I connect with other companies through UMA?
A: UMA events are a great way to connect with other companies. For additional opportunities contact our Business Development Team
Q: How does UMA represent manufacturing within the Utah Government?
A: We encourage you to reach out to the UMA Team if you still have questions. We are here to Connect and Strengthen Utah manufacturers.